March 2014

ASPC Preaching

It has been slightly more than two months since I stepped down from my pastoral role and back into an itinerant ministry; and it has been exciting! I have spoken at churches, cell groups, marketplace fellowships and even had an opportunity to share about family and finance with freshly appointed church elders. A more flexible schedule also allowed me to catch up with friends and meet up with other ministers. This has opened my eyes to so much more, giving me a better appreciation of what the Lord has been doing in and around Singapore. Of significance was one prayer fellowship that I participated in where I sensed a deep cry for the Lord to send His rain once more upon His Church to end this prolonged dry spell we are experiencing. Although things may look well on the surface, with all the hustle and bustle of church activity, there is a spiritual dryness across the Body. Please join me, and many others, as we ask the Lord to pour out His Spirit afresh!

ASPC Praying

In this season, the Lord has caused me to preach “Building. Shaking. Filling.” Again, but re-titled as “Before the Glory.” I believe there is a fresh anointing on this message that was first revealed to me in 2008. For sure, there is a coming greater glory. But what precedes that is a shaking which no one likes to talk about. And only lives built up on the foundation of Jesus Christ will stand through this shaking that the same might be filled with greater glory. I will do my part to preach this faithfully so that God’s people will be prepared for what’s to come. Thank you also for your prayers that I may bring the Word of God accurately, boldly and without compromise. Do check my Ministry Schedule if you’d like to know where I am speaking next.

David Ang Group

And yet, although speaking engagements have been lined up through the year, I am very mindful of what the Lord has called me to develop. Many have asked me what I will be doing. All I can say for now is that I will be devoting my time and energy to helping believers know and fulfil their God-given assignments. Those who have worked with me will know that this has always been my passion. Although He has shown me a broad picture, the details are something I’m still waiting on Him to show me. This is the ministry manifesto that I am working on in my cave time. By His grace, I have made considerable progress and should be able to meet my deadline of 15.04.14 to produce the first draft. That said, in giving us the instructions to “cross over”, the Lord made it very clear to us that we are to keep our eyes fixed on Him for we “have not passed this way before.” This has been a constant reminder for me to keep praying and seeking Him for the way ahead. As much as I am enjoying this cave time, I am also looking forward to what’s next. A dear sister who has been praying for me said that after my time in the cave, the Lord has prepared a banquet overflowing with palace delicacies for me; there’s abundance for every need coming! Awesome!

Since the beginning of this year, I have asked the Lord for divine connections and open doors that only He can provide. It has been exciting to see how the Lord has been answering and I have made new friends. More importantly, I am discerning how these connections feature in the unfolding of the ministry the Lord has prepared for me. New opportunities have opened up and I am praying through each of these so that decisions are made in consultation with the Holy Spirit. I may have known it in my heart before but I am now convinced of a Kingdom paradigm that is much larger and higher than what we are exposed to in the local church. Indeed, the Kingdom is so much more!

Houses for Tanauan Leyte

Later this month, I will be making a trip to Tacloban, Philippines; yes, the place most severely devastated by Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan. Since connecting with a local pastor in January and sharing my intentions to help them re-build homes, people have responded generously. To date, four houses have been built (our target is 20 houses this year). Appreciate your prayers as I travel there 20-24 March to visit the families and to inspect the houses. I am looking forward to fellowship and worship with them too. If you’d like to partner me in this initiative, please email me and I will provide more details on how you can contribute to this cause and be blessing to the people of Tanauan Leyte.

Thank you for reading this newsletter update. In the months ahead, I know even more will unfold as the Lord leads us on. Decisions will have to be made and I will most definitely need His wisdom and grace. Your prayers in this area are most appreciated. If you sense a word for us, please do not hesitate to share that with me. If you feel led to sow financially into our family or ministry, thank you for encouraging our walk of faith through your support.

River Safari Group Shot

As already shared, I am taking everything one day at a time. My reliance is upon the Lord as He leads me by His Holy Spirit. At times, the journey can feel extremely lonely and doubts can set in. Although I have readily responded with, “Here I am.” I have also asked more than once, “Who am I?” It is only the assurance of His Presence that keeps me going. I am also very thankful that Serene is 100% with me. Her patience and listening ear have been most helpful in times of my rambling and processing of details and options. Add to that, I have rallied a small prayer team to raise a prayer shield over my family and ministry. I appreciate these brothers and sisters in Christ so much! How comforting to know I serve a God who sees; His eye is on the sparrow and He watches over me. Regardless the challenges, I will keep plodding on for the glory of my Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom!

In His love and for His glory!

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