May 2013

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Each time I sit at the computer to write another newsletter, the exact same words pop into my mind: “Has it been two months already?!” In a very short while, half a year would have gone by. Truly, time and tide wait for no man.

The murder of Pastor Wendy Lee brought a fresh perspective of understanding our time here on earth. More accurately, it challenged the stewardship of this precious resource especially when one never really knows how many years he or she has. On the very first day of our Cambodia Ministry Trip, we met Pastor Wendy in Kampong Speu. Upon our return one week later, we learnt, to our horror, that she had been robbed and murdered in the very room we stood praying with and for her. This event prompted me to write Teach Us To Number Our Days.

CVSOM Team with Wendy

As I draw closer to my own Jubilee next year, I am made more aware of the frailty and fleetingness of this life. Moses recorded an average of 70 to 80 years for man. With better quality of life and medical advances, life expectancy has been increased. Some, by faith, are expecting to reach 120 years as Moses did (Deut 34:7), even immortality. Be that as it may, the question isn’t how many years we live to, but what we are doing with the time we have.

With Serene David Sarah

The seconds tick on and the years go by so quickly. It seemed only yesterday when Serene and I became young parents. In the last two months, David turned 15, Sarah joined the teenager club, and Esther reached double-digit age! If we do not remain mindful of what we have been called to do, and why we are doing it, we can be easily distracted by the homeschooling, laundry, cooking and everything else in between! With a larger-than-normal family, it can be go!go!go! in our household, thinking we are doing okay but missing all that God has in store for us. That is a very scary thought!

Five Young Ones

To this end, I am very thankful for promptings by the Holy Spirit, directing me to consider the significance of events that are happening around the world. Without doubt, God is at work and in full control of everything – even when things appear bizarre and senseless, as in the case of the Boston Marathon bombing. It is when we ponder more deeply that God reveals His sovereignty and power in ways we can understand, and then align to His purposes. In my desire to make every moment count, I have at times allowed my own impatience to get the better of me and my ministry. I have to be constantly reminded that rest, silence and solitude is definitely in God’s design and intent that enable the good stewardship of the time and energies we have. And that’s what 40 CVSOM Certificate students discovered and learnt too when we brought them on a Silent Retreat over the weekend of 18-20 May.

Silent Retreat Worship

June is Church Camp month. This year, apart from attending our own Covenant Vision Christian Church Camp in Johor Bahru (2-5 June), I will be speaking at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church’s Camp in Kuala Lumpur (13-16 June). This is especially meaningful to me as it was 7 years ago in 2006 when Rev Stanley invited me to speak. Until then, I had never attended a church camp, let alone be a camp speaker! The Lord has led me to speak on “CHOICES” and I am looking forward to fellowship with AMKMC members who have become good friends and supporters over the years. Please pray for me as I prepare to speak and minister. At the same time, it would be a good break for our family too.

Speaking of families, the date of 29 June is an interesting one. At a national level, the National Family Council will end its month-long National Family Celebrations on that day. On the same day, the Pink Dot movement will hold their 5th rally at Hong Lim Park. If you ask me, I think it’s too much of a co-incidence. Whilst I appreciate the efforts to bring the family together, I am concerned with how the LGBT agenda is gaining ground, not just in Singapore but all over the world. Fellow parents-in-Christ, let us not be naïve and think everything is ok. Our prayers are much needed, as is the commitment to disciple our children to be ambassadors of Christ in their generation.


Clearly, for the discerning believer, it is not business as usual. This life we have received as a gift from God must be lived well with the right perspective, priorities and purpose. In this regard, I am grateful for Dr Neal Patterson’s availability to speak at a one-day seminar entitled “THIS SIDE OF ETERNITY” on Saturday, 27 July 2013, organised by Covenant Vision School of Ministry. I am providing this information in advance because I want as many to be blessed as possible. If you’d like to know more or to register, feel free to email me directly at and I will ensure that you receive the details in due course.

Pastors Altar Call

By now, it should not surprise you that James 4:14 has been on my mind lately: “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” I hope that this newsletter update would have provoked you to ponder this more deeply too. Our time on this earth is limited and we must live it to the fullest for the glory of Jesus Christ. If you are not yet a believer of Jesus Christ, don’t hesitate any longer. Put your faith in Him, be forgiven and saved from the penalty of your sins, then receive the gift of eternal life and begin living for Him as Lord and Master.

Finally, I leave you with this meaningful line taken from the poem by C.T. Studd:

“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past;
Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

In His love and for His glory!

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