July 2016

Brexit. Bombs. Bangladesh. Bastille. Busy! Blur?

Forgive me if this comes across as an awkward attempt at alliteration. But I am trying to make a point and I hope I got your attention. Surely, you are familiar with these words and what has taken place around the world. If not, where have you been? Or just too busy to bother?

Each time a fresh incident is reported, I am shocked and horrified, especially when innocent lives are lost and families affected. And yet, I am not surprised because Jesus had already declared that in the last days, there will be an increase of lawlessness.

This context was made very clear to me when I first received the assignment of Archippus Awakening. Simply, the time is short and the Church needs to understand the urgency of the times. There is work to be done and these are found, not in the busyness of Christian activities, but in the kingdom assignments to be received from the Lord.


After two years of Archippus Awakening, I am pleased to report that many have affirmed this message and new doors have been opened in the months ahead. Read the reports and testimonies: Wesley MC’s Congregational Meeting, Glad Tidings Church “Made For More” Camp and Good News Baptist Church “God’s Assignment for His End-Time Church” Retreat. Rejoice with us and give all glory to the Lord!

Going forward, I sense that I am standing at the threshold of the next level and it is indeed exciting. For this update, I will just share TWO items for your prayerful consideration and participation:

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1. By God’s grace, we will be launching the Chinese version of the book, Say To Archippus, very soon. Take advantage of the Pre-Pub Special of $10.00 (usual: $16) by ordering at tinyurl.com/stachinese before 15 August. Partner me in this effort by sharing this language version with your Chinese-speaking pastors, congregations and friends. This is also an OPEN INVITATION for you to stand with us on Monday, 5 Sept, 8pm as we commission 要对亚基布说 to reach another part of the Body of Christ. Spaces are limited so please register your attendance at tinyurl.com/bkcomm promptly for our planning & catering.

2. One week after, I am privileged to be one of the speakers at the National Prophecy Conference 12-14 September, organised by 3:16 Church, involving Pastor Ray Bentley, Dr Robert Mawire, Pastor Ian Toh and Leo Hee Khian. This will be another opportunity for the message of Archippus Awakening to be declared, in partnership with other kingdom-minded leaders! Indeed, truly honoured to be able to play a small part in this conference. Register now to enjoy the early-bird rate.

On an informal basis, it has been enriching to meet Archippuses one on one, up close and personal. I am learning so much more about God’s people beyond what I used to understand at a local church level. Each of these has a strong desire to be fruitful for Jesus and I am thankful for the opportunity to feature in their journeys! Nothing thrills me more these days than to cheer Archippuses on in their kingdom assignments.

Behind the scenes, plans are underway for Archippus Awakening to be even more precise. I covet your prayers as I meet with potentials and consider the possibilities of how best to serve both individuals and churches. Pray for this to become the movement it is meant to be, that more and more will be awakened, aligned and assigned! What a glorious joy to participate in what God is doing in this season!

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On 1 July, Serene celebrated her birthday and next month, it will be my turn. But after seven birthdays, we are more than happy to mark ours simply and quietly. We are thankful for your prayers and blessings, especially on our Facebook walls – haha! We deeply appreciate your support as we seek to be faithful in our kingdom assignments. In conjunction with her birthday month, Serene launched her revamped Building Up Moms blog as well as a corresponding Facebook Page. If you have not already visited or liked it, please do. Share these with your friends so that more wives and mothers may be encouraged along the way.

BuildingUpMoms Website

That’s all from me for this update! Hope to see you at one of our awakening or aligning initiatives. Subscribe here to receive Archippus Awakening Updates. Drop me an email if you’re keen to explore how we can work together. Or simply for a cup of coffee. Let us remind one another that it is not busyness that determines our readiness, but faithfulness to what the Lord has assigned.

Whether Brexit, Bombs, Bangladesh, or Bastille, may we remain alert, aware, awakened and on assignment.

In His name and for His glory!