November 2013

Footwear on Beach

Ask my children and they will readily tell you that I cannot resist snapping pictures of our family’s footwear neatly arranged all in a row. You must admit that it makes for quite an interesting shot, doesn’t it? After all, how many these days can have this privilege of photographing nine pairs of sandals and slippers?

Yet, more than just a pretty picture, there is a stark message and a reminder for families (you saw that coming, didn’t you?).

If you haven’t noticed, the attack on marriages and families has intensified. In other parts of the world, activists have begun challenging the traditional terms of “father” and “mother”, preferring alternatives that are more gender-neutral. If and when it happens in Singapore, can we stay silent on such issues any longer? Section 377A, the gay-sex law, continues to be challenged regardless the courts’ decision that it stays. Whilst we can heave a sigh of relief (for the time being), do we realise the power and place of public opinion that can easily swing the ruling the other way? The most recent saga is that of Ashley Madison, the dating website that openly promotes adultery. Thankfully, our Media Development Authority has blocked the business’ intent to launch a Singapore portal. But let us not be naïve to think that is the end of the story. Lest you think Ashley Madison is affected at all, note that to such companies, even negative publicity is great publicity.

SereneDeborah Archery

So how does our footwear photo feature against this frightful framework of fallen-ness? Well, for one, it reminds me of the need to always stay together, to be aligned in our values and convictions, to embrace the diversity within our household and to watch out for the little ones in our flock. And for another, it highlights the great need of discipleship that must start and take place in the home so that both parents and children are walking after the model of Christ. Easily said, but I’d be the first to admit how challenging it is given the imperfection in us as parents and the different personalities of each child! This led me to write “10 Reminders For My Parenting Journey”, an article I know I will keep going back to for encouragement and sanity. I hope you will likewise be blessed by it.

Family in Pool

By the grace and provision of God, the Lim Tribe enjoyed some family time at ClubMed Bintan in October. Together with my parents, it was a nice break with some fun in the sun as we utilised the facilities, and partook of the food offerings, to the fullest. For the older children, swinging on the trapeze was the biggest thrill. For the younger ones, they thoroughly enjoyed the extended time in the pool. We even got to celebrate my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary in advance!

Dad&Mom 50thAnniversary ClubMed

Back in Singapore, we headed for the pool again one week later, this time for Aaron’s and Esther’s baptism on 26 Oct. Along with 12 others, I had the opportunity to baptise my own children as they, of their own accord, chose to openly declare their faith in Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord!

The work of the ministry continues as our church family celebrated her 5th Anniversary on 3 Nov. Applications are open for Covenant Vision School of Ministry’s Certificate in Practical Christian Ministry January 2014 Intake. If you are still wondering if this programme is for you, watch “Why You Should Seriously Consider Joining CVSOM”. Feel free to share this with your friends too.

Family Pix CVCC 5th Anniversary 3 Nov 2013

Can you believe it? By the end of this year, it would be 10 years since I officially stepped out and into fulltime ministry on 1 Jan 2003! It has been really exciting but sometimes, ministry is like swimming laps. That said, I know that every moment with Jesus is never boring. I may not know what the future holds but He already has the plans ready for me. My part is to keep seeking and relying on Him so that I do not settle in the comfort zone and lean on whatever experience I have garnered these past 10 years. To this end, I covet your prayers for me and Serene as we posture ourselves to always remain on the cutting edge, ready to do the Lord’s bidding, whenever, wherever, however. If you sense the leading to partner us in prayer, let me know and I will do my best to keep you posted along the way.

Henson & Serene Club Med Bintan

Finally, our words of thanks and appreciation may seem repetitive and standard as a sign-off. Not at all! Serene and I are so thankful of your prayers and support in every way as it constantly reminds us that we do not journey alone, that God is watching over us and has raised faithful servants like you along the way to encourage us. So, once again, on behalf of the Lim Tribe, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!!!

Until the next newsletter update, stay in touch with us through and May the Lord bless and sustain you through every situation that His name be always declared and glorified!

In His love and for His glory!

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