Inner Hunger Stirred Up

The Prayer Retreat has been refreshing for my whole family in all aspects… Personally, I love the message and I like the way it was presented as it is easily understood. I am impressed how Henson is able to put together the message in such a simple and convincing manner. The teaching has stirred up this inner hunger within me to want to dies to see His glory!

Since the retreat, everyday I wake up and my first prayer is, “God, I reckon that this old flesh wakes up with me today but I am praying that you will help me to die to my flesh, carry the cross and follow Jesus today.” Somehow, there is a peace within me that is leading me to want to hear Him; it’s like a holy desire – pure and sweet. A strange longing is growing within me and I caught myself wanting to slow down more to be still and seek Him.

I like the consistent flow between each session and it builds up the height and stirs up this hunger of wanting more of Jesus. Most of all, I love the wrapping up of the retreat with prayer which has been so ministering to me.

Regina Wong
Wesley Methodist Church

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