November 2018

All too soon, another year is drawing to a close, and this is the final newsletter of the year. To say that this year has been packed would be a gross understatement. Truth be told, it’s been a real s-t-r-e-t-c-h and I am feeling it big time!

Since the last update in September 2018 Newsletter, my second book, ALIGNMENT CHECK has been commissioned on 19 September to the glory of God and for the purposes of His kingdom. ALIGNMENT CHECK is “a reference book to help awakened ones make sense of all the teaching they have received, to check their own alignment that they may be rightly postured to receive their assignments.” Read the book reviews by Tan Lay Leng, David Ang and Kailin Huang for a better idea. If you still have not picked up a copy for yourself and others, email to order (hint: Christmas is just around the corner).

Before I could catch my breath, Team Archippus flew to Guam for our very first “Awakened Aligned Assigned” Seminar (5-6 Oct) in USA. When the Lord said “to the nations”, He wasn’t joking. Hosted by Pastors Mark & Terry Benavente of Life in the Son Christian Fellowship, we give praise to the Lord for His enablement as we declared the message of Archippus Awakening on American soil.

Back in Singapore, we partnered Bartley Christian Church for another AAA Seminar on Saturday 3 November. Organised by the Ladies Ministry, it was open to all from Bartley and other churches. It was also significant that this seminar was held in the same hall as Archippus Awakening’s birth event four years ago (3 Aug 2014).

Amidst these more visible events, KINGDOM101, the aligning initiative of Archippus Awakening, continues its steady trek through the gospel of Matthew. After two more sessions in 2018 (14 & 21 Nov), I will have taught 87 sessions since starting this expository journey in March 2015! It has not been easy but I press on because I firmly believe that kingdom foundation must be rightly laid for kingdom assignments.

The year has not ended yet and there are still ministry engagements to fulfil. However, in the recent weeks, I have been made very conscious of how important it is to rest well and to pace myself. As such, I am deliberately slowing down. When I finish declaring the AA message in Salem Chapel across the three nights of 28, 29 & 30 December, I will take a month-long break in January 2019 (yes, no preaching at all).

The Lord has already given me a glimpse of what 2019 will be like. Needless to say, with the promise of “increase”, it’s going to be exciting (see Ministry Schedule). To align with Him, His plans and timing means adjustments in quite a few areas. I’ve already had to say ‘no’ to quite a few invitations so that I can say ‘yes’ to whatever the Lord has prepared for me and Archippus Awakening.

Please pray for me, Serene and our children. 2019 will be an interesting year for the Lim Tribe too as we foresee many changes and new developments ahead. When I shared the need to take on less speaking engagements in churches, the concern about provision was raised. At the risk of sounding naïve or irresponsible, my answer is, “I don’t know”. All I know is that the Lord has always been faithful to provide thus far and He will continue to be faithful to provide as we remain obedient to His leading and direction. My part is to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and trust that His knows how the second part of Matthew 6:33 goes.

Dear friends, we deeply appreciate your prayers and partnership. Thank you for always cheering us on, encouraging us along the way that we may remain faithful to serve our Lord and King Jesus Christ. We pray for you and yours too, that you will “walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Eph 4:1).

In His love and for His glory
Henson & Serene, with the Lim Tribe