May 2017

Praise the Lord for another opportunity to share what He has been doing in our lives and how He has been leading thus far. If I need to say it in one line, it would be this: “I am trying to keep up with Him!” It has been exciting, and I am bracing myself for what else He has in store for me up ahead. I will provide a ministry overview at the end of this update. But first, allow me to share what is on my heart.

For more than a while now, I have noticed more and more road signs popping up all over Singapore. The one that never fails to catch my attention is the bright luminous orange sign that declares, WORKS AHEAD. I am not sure if this is a new policy that ample warning must be given to motorists and pedestrians. All I know is that wherever I travel these days, there’s that sign again. And again.

Some years back, the agency responsible for such works was the Public Works Department, or PWD. It became a standing joke amongst locals that PWD stood for Purposely Want to Dig. Jokes aside, allow me to use PWD to share what I believe the WORKS AHEAD sign is saying to us, the Body of Christ.

PROGRESS. As a nation that always prides and positions itself for growth and advancement, works is a constant feature. The same holds true for the Body of Christ. When every part does its share of work, the body grows (Eph 4:16). We are not talking about mindless Christian activity which tires and weakens, but proper and effective work that strengthens and builds up the body. To have progress, there must be purposeful work – kingdom assignments that contribute to the advancement of the kingdom of God! First the natural, then the spiritual: Could the increased number of WORKS AHEAD signs be God’s visible reminder and wake up call for believers to know what the Lord has prepared for them to do?

WORKERS. This may sound like a no-brainer, but works require workers! Each time I see the sign, I don’t always see the workers. These are usually hidden. And yet, work is being done by many who are unknown, nameless, unidentifiable and often unappreciated. We don’t know who these are but they are contributing big-time to the shaping and infra structure of our country. The kingdom-equivalent of these would be the Archippuses that the Lord is awakening for His purpose. No fanfare. No spotlight. No attention needed at all. Just obedient and faithful servants of the Lord, carrying out all that have been assigned to them. On the roads and in construction sites, the workers toil under the sun and in the rain. Nobody wants such roles these days. Similarly, in the body of Christ, many prefer the air-conditioned comfort of the church than the work of the kingdom out in various areas of operation. But there are WORKS AHEAD. And the Lord is calling His workers to be awakened, aligned and assigned. Would you respond?

DISRUPTIONS. When you see these signs, get ready to slow down or to be inconvenienced. Yes, works can cause delays, detours and disruptions. Interestingly, the workers who are purposefully engaged in doing the works are not flustered at all. It’s those who have no idea of what is happening that often get upset. If you are not aware of what the Lord is doing in these times, you can be very frustrated with how your life is being disrupted by all that is taking place. For sure, the institutional church is being disrupted by the things and works of the kingdom of God. It is no longer church or business as usual. God is moving and if you are not moving with Him, get ready to be duly disrupted. But those who have insight of the blueprint understand that the discomfort is only temporary. The work may be tough, but the rewards will be glorious!

The next time you see these signs, may the Holy Spirit prompt you accordingly. We are most certainly not saved by works but by grace through faith. Yet, beyond salvation, we have works prepared for us that we should be faithful to fulfil these for the glory of the One who saved us (Eph 2:8-10). Indeed, there are WORKS AHEAD for each and every believer.

I submit this for your prayerful contemplation. What is the Lord saying to you? Personally, I have been encouraged and also challenged by this simple sign. It reminds me of what the Lord has assigned to me in Archippus Awakening, to awaken the saints to know and fulfil their God-given kingdom assignments. Here’s a quick update, and a glimpse of what’s up ahead:

In the March Newsletter, I reported on AWE2017, 17-19 Feb 2017. Read about how Pastor Philip has brought back the AA message to IndiaWatch the video compilation of key takeaways from some who attended this Awakening Event.

On 1 April, we had another “AWAKENED. ALIGNED. ASSIGNED.” Seminar, this time in partnership with Living Waters Methodist Church. Read T-Connections at AAA Seminar and An Archippus Awakened Aligned & Assigned! We also honour all Archippuses who served in hiddenness and humility at AAA Seminar. Watch the video update, and if you’d like to partner us to host an AAA Seminar, email me at

After a four-month break, KINGDOM101 resumed at a new venue, at FGA@Playfair. Attendance has been very encouraging and more are joining this expository journey through the gospel of Matthew. If your desire is to know the King to embrace His kingdom, and to receive your kingdom assignment, you are most welcome to assemble with other Archippuses at KINGDOM101 (please check website for dates). All teachings are uploaded on our Soundcloud Channel too, to serve those who can’t make it on Wednesday nights..

After declaring this message for more than three years now, it is very clear that the Lord is opening more doors for Archippus Awakening – yes, WORKS AHEAD…

On 1 July, a new mentoring and aligning initiative will be launched. A pilot group of Archippuses will go through nine months together, checking alignment and posturing to receive kingdom assignments.

TEAM ARCHIPPUS is being assembled to bless Indonesia with the AA message. “Katakanlah Kepada Arkhipus”, the Bahasa Indonesia version of Say to Archippus, is in its final stages and should be printed by end July, ready for the AAA Seminar in Bandung (17-21 Aug), in partnership with Merdeka AG Church.

In November, the AAA Seminar will travel to Kidapawan City, Philippines. In partnership with Kidapawan AG Church, the AA message will be declared to our Filipino brothers and sisters in Christ. [As I pen this update, invitations have just been received to bring AA into two more countries.]

Prayers and plans are also being directed to reach the millennials and young adults with the message of Archippus Awakening. There has been a cry from this group for meaning, purpose and direction. Beyond the activities, lights, sound and emotional expressions of church today, it is clear that we must help and serve these young Archippuses towards knowing and fulfilling their kingdom assignments. Please pray with and for us so that we can be effective.

I also covet your prayers as I prepare to speak and minister at four church camps in June: Full Gospel Assembly Chinese Campus (2-5 June), Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church (8-11 June), Bethany Emmanuel Church (14-17 June) and Agape Methodist Church (21-24 June). Physically, it will be quite a stretch. I will do my part to rest, but I definitely need the Lord’s grace and enablement to give my very best at each of these camps.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you for your prayers, and for standing with me, Serene and our seven children. As I seek to be faithful in my assignments, I am also praying for you to know and fulfil yours. Clearly, there is much to be done, and we need all hands on deck. As we position ourselves for WORKS AHEAD, we praise the Lord for all He has already done for us through the completed work of Jesus upon the Cross! Freely we have received, and so we freely we shall give. What a privilege to be counted worthy to participate in the work of the kingdom! And it shall be entirely by His grace that we will be faithful to fulfil our kingdom assignments for His name’s sake.

In His love and for His glory!