September 2017

Two days ago, my September 2015 newsletter popped up in my ‘memories’ feed. Thanks to Facebook, it reminded me to write the next newsletter – a task that had totally slipped my mind given a rather demanding ministry schedule.

Reading what I wrote, I was extremely tempted to simply cut-and-paste. Well, for one, it would save me a lot of time (confession: lazy!). But for another, what I shared then remains so relevant and it is definitely worth another exposure (since we are people of short memory anyway).

Two years ago, the hot topics were blood moons, the shemitah and other end-time signs. Two years later, America just experienced the wrath of two huge hurricanes, Harvey and Irma. After that came Hurricane Talim in Asia. Tensions remain high as North Korea continues testing their nuclear warheads. The battle against ISIS has moved to Philippines with Mindanao being placed under martial law after rebel forces took the city of Marawi. Even closer to home, we still do not know what has happened to Malaysian pastor Raymond Koh who was abducted in broad daylight on 13 Feb 2017. Down under, Australia is deciding if same-sex marriage should be legalised.

The biggest buzz, according to end-time speculators and prophecy chasers, must be the Revelation 12 Sign. YouTube is filled with teachings about this sign in the heavens that is set to fulfil a major prophecy (Rev 12:1-6) on 23 September 2017 (this weekend!). Some say that this will trigger the next series of end-time events, some say the world will end, whilst others confidently declare that the rapture will take place that day (cf Rev 12:5). Somehow, September is always the month to watch because it coincides with the Jewish fall feasts of Rosh Hashanah , Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Many believe that the rapture will happen during the Feast of Trumpets, at the sounding of the last trump (cf 1 Cor 15:52). Putting these references together, we should all be caught up on 23 September. Are you ready?

As interesting and exciting as it sounds, I am thankful that there are also others – although few in comparison – who have cautioned against such teachings, interpretations and proclamations. Personally, I am more inclined to stand with this minority. Here are three links for your own processing, :

– Calm Down! The World Isn’t Ending on 23 September: Lee Grady
– What Will Happen On September 23 2017?: Dr Danny R. Faulkner
– Sorry to Tell You But Jesus Is Not Coming Back on 23 September: Dr Michael Brown

This does not mean that I disregard everything of eschatological nature. My assignment in Archippus Awakening, after all, is an eleventh-hour message. And in the declaration of this message, to awaken the saints to know and fulfil their God-given assignments, I present the end-time context boldly. I firmly believe that an awareness of the signs of the times is what keeps us awake and alert for the purposes of the kingdom. The focus, however, is not on date setting or star gazing but on being faithful to kingdom assignments that one may be rendered truly ready for the return of the Lord – whenever that may be. Simply put, it is our faithfulness that determines our readiness.

This is what I have been occupied with and I will continue to do my best to help as many be awakened, aligned and assigned for Jesus and His kingdom. In July, we launched the pilot Mentoring Aligning Process (MAP) and began journeying with 20 Archippuses. In August, Archippus Awakening celebrated our 3rd Anniversary. The Lord opened doors for me to teach at Tung Ling Bible School (SOL & SOM). Team Archippus (24 of us) travelled to Bandung to declare the Archippus Awakening message in partnership with GSJA Merdeka Bandung. Katakanlah Kepada Arkhipus, the Bahasa Indonesia version of Say to Archippus, was commissioned on 19 August, to the glory of God! So thankful that my parents and three children (Sarah, Aaron & Esther) were able to serve alongside me in Bandung.

As the Lord opens doors, I have shared at local congregations like Full Gospel Assembly, Christalite Methodist Chapel, New Destiny Fellowship and many more. In June, I ministered at four (!) church camps: FGA Chinese Campus, Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church, Bethany Emmanuel Church and Agape Methodist Church.

It’s been quite a stretch, to say the least, but I press on. Why? Because the time is short, there is work to be done, and we need all hands on deck. This weekend – if we are not raptured yet (grin) – I will speak at Glad Tidings Church’s in-house conference, “Revealing God’s Kingdom”. After learning about Archippus Awakening at their 2014 and 2016 camps, this church has taken active steps to rediscover the kingdom of God so that every saint can move on kingdom assignment! Praise the Lord!

Yes, we are living in the last days and we are seeing prophecy being fulfilled right before our very eyes. These signs are not for our entertainment, but for our response. If you have not believed in Jesus yet, delay no more. Repent of your sins, call upon the name of Jesus and be saved. If you are a believer, slumber no more. Wake up, dear Archippus, fulfil your assignment!

If you need help to know how to align that you may be assigned, join us at AWE2017.2, our second Awakening Event this year, 1-3 December at Swiss Belhotel Harbourbay Batam. Assemble with other Archippuses with a common desire to be awakened, aligned and assigned for Jesus and His kingdom. Read my email invitation to understand more about AWE2017.2. Details & online registration at Contact me if you need more information or guidance.

Last but not least, please pray for me and my household. Amidst a rather gruelling ministry schedule, Serene and I celebrated our birthdays in July and August respectively. Our eldest, David (19yo) is currently undergoing a two-month Sergeant’s Course. Next week, it will be PSLE for Ruth (12yo), as Sarah (17yo) sits for her SAT papers.

As always, thank you for reading my updates and for praying for me and the work of the ministry through Archippus Awakening. The Lim Tribe greatly appreciates your love and support in every way! May we all be found faithful and ready when our Lord and King Jesus returns!

In His love and for His glory!