March 2009

As I pen this newsletter update, everyone is waiting for the birth of the latest addition to our family.  In case you are wondering, baby’s EDD is 6 March.  And as we have always explained to would-be parents, this date is only an estimate.  Although Serene is due any moment, we are praying for God’s perfect timing for our 7th child. 

This pregnancy has been another learning experience for us.  It has not been easy for Serene at all.  With 6 children to look after, homeschooling and household management, Serene has bravely soldiered on regardless how she felt.  There were many days when she experienced extreme tiredness, aches and pains in her body.  In these final months especially, with baby growing bigger (praise God for that), it became even more challenging for Serene to move about.  Yet, I keep seeing her “do the next thing”, ensuring there is no accumulation of backlog when baby finally arrives.  This is not to say there have not been times when she snaps or gets irritated with the behavior of the children.  In fact, she will be the first to admit that often, she is overwhelmed and feels like giving up.  To read Serene’s point of view on this pregnancy, visit her blogsite at “Building an Ark in Singapore”.

It has also been a bit of a stretch for me juggling ministry and family.  I try my best to be home for Serene and the children.  But with growing children and increasing noise levels, it is becoming harder to work productively at home.  And yet, when I am out, it just means that my pregnant wife would have to shoulder a greater load.  I am grateful and appreciative that the older children are learning to help a lot more, thank God for that!

All this has caused us to look to the Lord even more.  After all, it is very easy for us to be distracted, discouraged and to feel sorry for ourselves. Constantly, we need to draw strength from Him and be reminded that He who has called us will both sustain and enable us.  Truly, His grace is sufficient and His faithfulness never ends.

Please stand in prayer with us as Serene prepares to birth.  The past births have been supernatural and pain-free, to the glory of God.  We are trusting God for the same that His name be exalted and glorified once again.  Please also pray for the entire Lim Tribe to adjust well to the new dynamics and mechanics of an even larger family.  We believe God will continue to provide in amazing and miraculous ways.  Our housing, transport and daily needs will be taken care of in ways above all we can ask or imagine.  For sure, nothing is impossible with God!

From one growing family to another.  By the grace of God, and to His glory, Covenant Vision Christian Church has seen attendance increase in just four months as a new community.  On 7 Feb, we held our very first Baptism Service at Garden Hotel.  More significantly, David and Sarah were baptised along with 15 others with me as the Baptising Pastor.  I praise God for the privilege and honour to baptise my own children.  The next day, Ruth and Deborah were dedicated at the Infant/Child Dedication Service.  Membership Classes are currently underway for our very first batch of CVCC Members.  Indeed, there is much work to be done to build and equip this new community at CVCC.  I am already beginning to see new demands and challenges as a pastor.  This is quite different from what I have been exposed to as an itinerant speaker.  The Lord is teaching and preparing me for something new and it is very exciting.

Covenant Vision School of Ministry’s Encounter Weekend on 14 & 15 Feb was simply awesome.  Organised as part of the Certificate in Practical Christian Ministry, it was a time of corporate worship, teaching, prayer and encounter with the Lord.  God met with each person in special and personal ways, and many were ministered to.  Each time I see how God moves among His people, I stand amazed and humbled!  When we make time for God, He always makes time for us.  I am now looking forward to the School’s Silent Retreat in April.

My monthly stint at Changi Christian Fellowship continued for January and February.  I was invited back to St Luke’s Hospital where I spoke at the Staff Devotions on the topic of “Pride and Strife” across two Wednesdays in Feb.  On 23 Feb, I spoke about “Integrity” at ACJC Chapel, a joy always to speak into the lives of the youths.

With the recession and uncertain economy around us, I gathered a few old classmates-turned-entrepreneurs for a fellowship lunch.  Henry Tan played host at his Shenton Way office overlooking the Marina Bay Sands site.  We had a very good time catching up, sharing and encouraging each other in the Lord.  All agreed that despite the difficult times, our trust is to be in God and to always stay open to opportunities to share His goodness and faithfulness.  Later, it was decided that we would meet again on 21 May and to enlarge the group.  Who knows where this little marketplace gathering will lead to?

I thank God for blessing the “online” ministry through my personal ministry website at  Visits and hits have remained encouraging and that has spurred me to keep writing new articles.  Do check out the latest articles, “Run the Race”, “Keep the Pace” and “The Purposed-Driven Heart”.  God has also led more to co-labour with me through the ministry of prayer.  With the increased demands of ministry, the prayer covering and shield must also increase.  I thank God for all the Prayer Partners who continue to intercede for my ministry and family.

I recently began a blogsite entitled “One Day at a Time” where I post comments, reports and reflections on a more personal and casual basis.  Through this, you will see that I have the same struggles and challenges in my spiritual walk even as I rely wholly and entirely upon the grace of God.  This also gives me the opportunity to interact with those who might want to know more about me and my family and to keep in touch with me.  I hope you will be blessed and encouraged when you visit the blogsite.

Finally, a quick update on the blessings in my life … my 6 children.  Raising children may be tiring and at times, exasperating, but they provide much joy and excitement in my life.  Each time I return from ministry, as I open the door, I am greeted by the pitter-patter of feet followed by huge smiles and hugs of “Welcome home, Daddy!”  At the moment, little Deborah scores highest on the cute factor – haha!

Our birthday series continues with Ruth celebrating her 4th birthday on 26 Feb.  Next in line is David who will turn 11 on 20 April.  Next year, baby #7 will fill the March birthday slot!

So much for now!  Thanks for reading this newsletter and for staying in touch.  As always, I give thanks to God for each of you, praying for your well-being especially in this trying season.  For this year, God has already shown us that there will be mixed signals in the economy.  One day, things will appear to pick up, only for it to come down again the next day.  This will lead to much contradiction and confusion.  Our hope is found only in the Lord, and no one else.  Keep close to Him and do not be distracted with the rumblings in the world.  Remember that He alone holds the plans for you and your loved ones.  These are plans of good and not of evil; plans to give you a future and a hope.  Seek Him and you shall surely find Him when you seek Him with all your heart!

In His love and for His glory!

Bro Henson

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