January 2012

And so, we welcome another New Year; and very soon, another Lunar New Year!

It’s only the month of January but it sure feels as if I have been in 2012 for quite a while already.  The moment we crossed into 2012, I preached on 1 Jan, announcing the theme of KINGDOM EXPANSION for Covenant Vision Christian Church.  Then, the academic term commenced for Covenant Vision School of Ministry with fresh Diploma and Certificate cohorts.  This was quickly followed by a new initiative to bring the youths and young adults of CVCC together for a day of fun, fellowship and dialogue (I’m still recovering from that).  Did I mention that The Lim Tribe Birthday Series 2012 kicked off with our Aaron celebrating his 10th birthday?  Now, for the next six …

With a growing church, added responsibilities and a growing family, it is absolutely no surprise that my plate is not just full, but overflowing.  And I have not even begun to mention my family schedule and needs yet!  There is not a moment that goes by without my mind processing the numerous items that require attention.  On good days, I can feel totally in control and so productive.  On not-so-good days, I just feel totally stretched and overwhelmed.

One night – early morning, actually – my eyes opened and immediately, 1,001 items flooded my mind as I laid there in bed, trying my hardest to go back to sleep.  It was impossible!  The more I told myself not to think, the more I thought of what needed to be done, planned and moved on.  Finally, I gave up, got up and went down … to pray.  On my knees, I cried out to the Lord.  I knew that there was no way I could ever accomplish anything without Him … not before, not now, not ever.  I wrestled with if I had taken on too much or if, in my own enthusiasm, I had run ahead of God.  In the Spirit, I prayed, prayed and prayed.  And then I stopped, kept silent and waited.  After a while, the Lord spoke one word into me … abundance.  That was it.

I always knew the Lord had a great sense of humour.  So I figured He was pulling my leg once more, not that I was in any mood for any of that in those wee hours of the morning.  I remember responding, “Ya right, Lord, as if I don’t know my workload is more than abundant – haha.  That’s why I am here crying to You.  You need to help me reduce it, or send more people to help me!”  And the word came to me again … abundance.

Then, almost suddenly, it all made sense!  It wasn’t about my functioning for Him, but my positioning in Him.  In keeping close to God and resting in Him as I serve Him and His people, I can expect to more than experience His exceedingly abundant grace (1 Tim 1:14) and His exceeding greatness of His power (Eph 1:19), to receive a greater revelation of His abundant peace and truth (Jer 33:6) and the abundant outpouring and anointing of His Holy Spirit (Titus 3:6), to partake of His exceedingly great and precious promises (2 Pet 1:4) and enjoy the fullness of His joy (John 15:11)!  Have you noticed that our God never does things in half measures, only in full measures and beyond?

The word, abundance, was both a reminder and an encouragement to me.  Yes, the work of the ministry is demanding.  Yes, the needs of my wife and children must not be neglected either.  But He who has called me will enable and sustain me out of His goodness and abundance.  There is no need to worry or be anxious at all.  All I need to do is to take it one day at a time, for tomorrow has its own challenges.  In moments of physical tiredness, I must remember this, for the enemy is all too ready to shoot those fiery darts at me, accusing me that I have not done enough or well enough.  Most importantly, the expansion of the Kingdom is not dependent on me at all.  The Kingdom of God will increase and reign forever because of Jesus!  That sure takes a whole load of pressure off me.  I am just so privileged and honoured to be invited to participate in His glorious Kingdom work.

Make no mistake!  This is not mere biblical rhetoric.  When God says it, He means it!  For He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that is works in us (Eph 3:20)!  Indeed, all things are possible to those who believe.  Rom 4:16 says, “… it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure …”  In the Prophetic Word for 2012, Rev Francis Khoo declared that it is seeding time.  And abundance will be for those who would believe without unbelief.  What an affirmation!  Amen and amen!

Interestingly, in our very first family meeting and devotion for 2012, I read from Psalm 65, in particular verse 11: “You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.”  Now, most would read this and interpret it as material abundance and that is not entirely inaccurate.  In our walk with the Lord, He has more than supplied our every need!  However, there is so much more to God’s abundance than merely financial or material.  If that is all you are looking for and satisfied with, you are missing it big time!

You may be wondering why I am sharing something so personal with you.  Well, I don’t think I will be far wrong to say that I am not the only one with a heavy workload.  What I am struggling with, many of you are too.  As such, I want to share this word of abundance that I have received from the Lord with everyone.  It may be specific to and for me, but I believe the same anointing can be caught by others who believe.  The Lord can give me so much and still have lots more to give!  The question is, “Will you be a willing recipient of His abundant abundance?”

To my brothers and sisters in Christ, determine to make this year a year of new discovery into the depths of the Lord’s goodness and abundance.  Don’t be anxious or be duly shaken by the uncertainty in the world.  Continue to look to Jesus and to put your trust and hope entirely in Him.  To those who are not Christians yet, you too can embark on this wonderful journey simply through faith in Jesus Christ, the One who came that you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).  Trust me, you will not regret it.

On this note, it leaves me now to wish you and your loved ones a very blessed and abundant new year in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!  We look forward to sharing even more of what God will do in and through our lives in the months ahead.  It is our prayer that these regular updates will bring hope and encouragement to you.  In the meantime, you can still stay in touch with us by subscribing to our websites at One Day At A Time, Building Up Moms and Building An Ark In Singapore.  Have a great 2012!!!

In His love and for His glory!

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