November 2012

Can you believe it? Since the last newsletter, the contractors have come and gone, and we are now living in our newly renovated home – praise the Lord! Whilst it may seem like only a moment, there were times the seven weeks felt like eternity. Even so, there are many lessons that I picked up and I want to share these with you.

It’s messy but there’s a plan. When renovation works began on 8 Oct, the contractors moved in and hacked everything! For the next few days, there was only rubbish, dust and mess. Then things cleared up and day by day, we monitored the progress according to the approved plan. It’s the same with our walk towards spiritual maturity. When we allow God to deal with our issues and hang-ups, it can get messy as He throws out the old to bring in the new. We can’t see the whole picture at times, but progress is being made. God has a beautiful plan for you and He will fulfil that in His time in His way.

Living in transition. By the Lord’s providence, we stayed at my parent’s flat for the duration of the renovation. We are so thankful and grateful to my parents for extending their travels just for us! Whilst there, the nine of us had to adjust and adapt to a much smaller space. This made us really look forward to getting back to our own home. Similarly, in this life, we are also living in transition. Although thankful for each new day, we all face struggles as pilgrims on a journey. I could gripe and complain all day long or I can see each day as a step closer to Jesus. Clearly, this world is not my home, and I look to the day when I can be truly and gloriously home with the Lord.

Embrace the new. I love the new place but sometimes, I still think in old ways. It’s a new home but re-orientation is still needed so that I don’t look for switches and things in the wrong places. Indeed, old habits die hard. In the same way, God has given us new things in Christ. Why do we prefer to live in the past then? Consciously, we must put off the old man that we may put on the new man in Christ. This, coupled with the renewing of the mind by the Holy Spirit, releases us from the old that we may fully embrace the new.

Don’t get too comfortable. It’s almost two weeks since moving back. We have unpacked and re-organised everything and everyone. The dust is settling and I am all ready to kick up my feet. That’s really wishful thinking because the work never really ends. Something new always crops up! And that’s how a walk with God is too. Just when I’m all ready to settle down, He stirs me up again. There’s no time nor place for the proverbial comfort zone. A God-sized surprise is just around the corner! Would you opt for the humdrum Christian life? – an oxymoron of the greatest proportions! Or would you accept all He brings your way that you may experience His love, grace and abundance in totally new and fresh dimensions?

I hope these four little points will be a blessing and an encouragement to you. May these help you have the right perspective that you may rightly position yourself to receive all God has for you!

On to some family news. Two days after Sarah finished her PSLE, we moved out. Two days after we moved back, she collected her PSLE results. We give thanks to the Lord for enabling Sarah to clear the benchmark for homeschoolers (which is higher than the requirement for school-going children). Read Serene’s post on PSLE Again! giving glory only to Jesus. After a short break, Sarah will continue with her homeschool curriculum towards a High School Diploma.

The Lim Tribe descended on Perth for our family vacation in October. Yet again, God orchestrated and arranged everything for us, making it possible for us to spend time together as we drove around Western Australia for eight days in a 12-seater van. The children got to see all sorts of Australian wildlife, wide open spaces and enjoyed the cool, dry climate. Serene and I coveted and drooled at the houses there – haha! It was quite an adventure for Serene and myself, bringing seven children on holiday. Although tiring, we know we were making memories with our children for years to come.

As I send this update out, I will be concluding the Old Testament series “39” tonight with a teaching on Song of Songs. This journey through the Hebrew Scriptures has been so enriching! Without doubt, the one who has to teach learns the most, and I have been so very blessed personally. Others have also written to share how the teachings have impacted them. Throughout the 39 books, one theme is clear: IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS. I’m not sure if I will get to teach a New Testament Survey next. But with the material I have gleaned from “39”, I am praying about blogging the key lessons across the whole of 2013. Please contact our office (Tel: 6391 0027) if you’d like to purchase the CD Sets: Pentateuch, History, Prophets, Writings.

Please continue to pray for me and Rev Francis as we seek the Lord for wisdom to move Covenant Vision Christian Church forward. There are many things to be done and we know we cannot achieve anything apart from Him. Covenant Vision School of Ministry is preparing for the Jan 2013 Intake and applications are coming in steadily for both Certificate and Diploma programmes. If you, or any of your church friends/members, would like to be equipped for the work of the ministry through this one-year practical programme, do consider applying for the Certificate in Practical Christian Ministry. Click here to download an Application Form. Please submit promptly so we can process you in time for the Jan 2013 Intake.

Well, that’s it from me for this installment. As always, I want to thank everyone for praying for me, for Serene and for our children. Through your prayers, we continue to experience the Lord’s divine grace and enablement in our lives. For sure, each day brings its own challenges and struggles, but I am always reminded to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME because His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness! May you also carry this in your heart as you trust Him in all things, knowing He will direct and keep you every step of the way.

In His love and for His glory!

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