May 2016

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

Thank you for allowing me to keep in touch with you through this regular update. Many of you have journeyed with me since I stepped into full time ministry in 2004 and I never cease to thank the Lord for your prayers, support and encouragement along the way. More importantly, your kingdom friendship also keeps me accountable as I seek to remain faithful to all the Lord has assigned to me.

As I considered what to write about, I realised that it has been two and a half years since I received the message of ARCHIPPUS AWAKENING on 27 Oct 2013. So, instead of writing on a particular issue, I will look back at how the Lord has led me thus far. This will also give you a good overview for a more focussed prayer effort and an even more meaningful kingdom partnership going forward.

Henson Speaking Close-up

In the article God Opens Doors. I Open Mouth. I marvelled “at how the message of Archippus Awakening is slowly but surely being shared across the Body of Christ! For a new and relatively unknown entity fronted by a nobody with a not-quite-as-easily-understood message to trumpet, this is really not too bad at all!” Across the different platforms of church services, fellowships, camps, seminars, etc, I stand amazed at the Lord’s favour and grace. By this weekend, Archippus Awakening would have been shared at no less than 30 churches and/or organisations.

On a broader front, we have had the honour of serving the Body of Christ through Awakening Events (AWE) in “The Beginning of the End” Seminar with Amir Tsarfati, “Jubilee Gospel” Seminar with Dr Kim Tan in partnership with Raffles Air & TBN Asia, “In the Last Days” Worldview Conference with Bill Muehlenberg & “Kingdom Worldview” Seminar with Darrow Miller, in partnership with Worldview Partners.


Convinced that we should offer our very own 3D2N Awakening Event, we organised AWE2015 in August 2015 without knowing who would turn up, or what to expect. To the glory of God, 66 Archippuses from 32 local churches assembled for a weekend of training. This year, we felt led to have AWE2016 in April and this time, 75 Archippuses assembled, representing 44 local churches! Beyond attendance, I am thrilled to hear that these have begun to share the message of awakening with others – truly, one Archippus awakening another Archippus towards one’s God-given kingdom assignment. Email me if you’d like to participate in the next AWE. [Read: The Joy Of Having My Children Serve Alongside Me]


One year ago, on 27 May, the book SAY TO ARCHIPPUS was commissioned. The first print run of 1,000 copies sold out within a month. By the end of 2015, the Lord moved another 1,500 copies. Now in the third print run, response continues to be encouraging. Just this week, I delivered 20 copies to a marketplace group that has decided to use the book in their monthly fellowship and study. [Read: Book Reviews] To widen the distribution, SAY TO ARCHIPPUS is now available at CRU Media Ministry’s retail outlets and online store. As I pen this newsletter, the Chinese translation (yes, Chinese!) of SAY TO ARCHIPPUS is being completed. If you’d like to pre-order “要对亚基布说”, drop me an email for a special pre-pub price and I will keep you posted on when this version will be commissioned and launched (target: August 2016).


From the start, I knew that ARCHIPPUS AWAKENING would be a kingdom initiative. Prompted by the Lord to revisit key tenets of the kingdom, we embarked on KINGDOM101 – an expository teaching journey through the gospel of Matthew – to provide kingdom foundation for kingdom assignments. By His grace, since starting on 18 March 2015, 36 sessions have been taught. These teachings are uploaded to the ARCHIPPUS AWAKENING Channel on Soundcloud to serve those who are unable to come on Wednesday nights, achieving an extended reach of more than 9,000 plays to date. KINGDOM101 is on a break for the June holidays. Do consider joining us when we resume on Wednesday 29 June. [Download KINGDOM101 Jun-Nov Flyer]

Praise the Lord for His enablement and favour, for He deserves all glory and honour! And we have only just begun…!

Well, that’s what I have been up to these days. I have only one message to declare and I will endeavour to be faithful to this assignment as long as the Lord requires it of me. This weekend, I will speak at a seminar, two church services and a staff retreat; and then, on to two church camps in June – awakening Archippuses to know and fulfil their God-given kingdom assignments. Thanks for praying for me. [See Ministry Schedule]


Pray for Serene. Over and above all she has on her plate, Serene spoke at a mothers’ fellowship (Just a Mother: Part 1 & Part 2) and also at Full Gospel Assembly on Mothers’ Day (if you’d like to receive the post of the message, “Be Encouraged”, subscribe to her blog at Building Up Moms). She is truly an Archippus on kingdom assignment as a wife and a homeschool mother of seven children, encouraging other wives and mothers along the way!

Pray for our children – David, Sarah, Aaron, Esther, Ruth, Deborah Hope & Anna Joy. Serene and I continue to discover new challenges as the children grow up. At the same time, we are not unaware of the enemy’s wiles as we serve the Lord. Thank you for standing with us as we pray for our children’s well being and protection. These are truly God’s blessings to us and we desire to steward them well for His name and glory!


Once again, thank you for being a part of our lives and journey. Sharing this update with you also means I am open to your comments and feedback. To this end, if you feel so led, or as the Lord impresses anything upon your heart, I’d be most happy to hear the same from you. And if you’d like the message of Archippus Awakening declared in your church or fellowship, I am just an email away.

In His name and for His glory!