Tired Soul Encouraged

Dear Ps Henson,

I write to share my utmost gratitude as your newsletter has encouraged a tired soul here from KL.

The word “change” spoke to me as I reflect on my current situation.  As you shared about the changes that have taken place in Singapore, I also notice the changes that you and I are going through. Having left Singapore and returned to my hometown 4 months ago, the new journey thus far has been overwhelming.  Your newsletter, however, has helped me see the changes that the Lord is leading me through.

On the following day after reading your newsletter, I went for a church service and the preacher also spoke about the wind of change for the people and the country of Malaysia. The gist of the message is to call us to trust God more as the wind of change is coming!  Wow, thank God! My spirit is lifted up!  It’s like the morning dew to a dry soul in a season of drought.

I really want to thank you for the encouraging newsletter. It’s Good News! Haha! God bless and “Jia You”!

Yap Cam Yew

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