July 2012

12 years.

Yes, it’s been 12 full years since I heard the call of God upon my life to serve Him in fulltime ministry. More specifically, it was on 8 July 2000, eight days into a 40-day fast (my first attempt), that the words of Jesus spoke to me. As He called the first disciples by the Sea of Galilee, I heard Him say the same to me, “Follow Me.” And so, the month of July is very special to me as I recall, recount and reflect upon the significance of the call. Each year, I make it a point to re-visit the call with the following questions:

How did I get to where I am? I never take the call for granted, knowing that it is by His grace that it was even extended to me, that I could even answer it in the first place. As I look back, I am continually amazed by how God orchestrates things, puts people in my path and opens ministry opportunities for me. As someone who loves to plan and be in control, it would have been nice to know a few more details along the way. For example, when the Lord called, we had two children; when I stepped out, the number had doubled to four; today, we have seven! Ministry-wise, I sure didn’t know what I’d be doing or where I’d be serving. Starting out with an itinerant ministry, who would have imagined that I would be a dean of a school of ministry and a pastor of a local congregation? My only desire is to serve my Master and be faithful in all He assigns me to. Borrowing the words of Paul in 1 Cor 15:10, I am where I am and I am what I am entirely by His grace. He has led me this far, and He will continue to lead me wherever, whatever, however.

How am I fulfilling the call? Even before I stepped out, the words “to destroy and re-build” were prophetically declared over me. I didn’t understand it then but later discovered that this would form the back-bone of my ministry as a teacher and preacher of the Word. Admittedly, it has not been easy and I have, on many occasions, wrestled with the Lord as to why I am often burdened to address difficult issues over the pulpit. The Lord will use these words to remind me of the need to tear down weak and flimsy foundations so that His people can be duly built up for His purposes. To this end, catchy clichés and spiritual slogans will not do. Instead, there must be a return to the pure and unadulterated Word of God without compromise. As a pastor and an under-shepherd, I will love and care for the sheep; but I must also remain faithful and true to the call to sow into lives that will one day be raised as spiritual warriors by the Spirit. At this point of the journey, the Lord has graciously allowed me to impact lives through Covenant Vision Christian Church, Covenant Vision School of Ministry and ad hoc ministry opportunities across other churches. This, I must be faithful to do, not fearing men but only fearing the One who has called me, to Whom I will give account one day.

What next, Lord? Experience is good, but it can also be bad. When I first started, I remember a certain gung-ho-ness, almost a hint of recklessness, in my faith. Over time, and with age, it is so easy to lose that child-like wonder where everything was once new, fresh and exciting. The last thing I want for myself is to settle into a comfort zone and miss anything else the Lord has for me! It may have been 12 years already; but hey, it’s been only 12 years. I believe there is so much more that I have not seen nor experienced. For sure, this is not the time to let up, get snug in routine, or be distracted by programmes and activities. I must never presume I will be in the same place because there could be a new assignment from the Lord. 12 years ago, I didn’t know. Similarly, I don’t know where I will be 12 years from today. And so I ask, “What next, Lord?” Even so, this question is not limited vocationally or geographically, for I am also seeking the same spiritually, “What next, Lord?” More of Him, more love, more power, more anointing, more signs and wonders, more revelation. “Yes, Lord, more please! You promised abundance, and I want all of it!”

Dear friends, many of you have journeyed with me and Serene through these 12 years and we want to say how grateful we are to have brothers and sisters like you support and pray for us. This little reflection is my way of updating you and also giving you permission to speak into my life and ministry that I may remain on track as I serve Jesus and others. That said, don’t let this be all about me, for it is also my desire that these same three questions provoke you to think more deeply as to what the Lord has called you to, how you are faring, and what might be the next step forward. May the Spirit lead and guide you as you process this accordingly.

Here are some ministry updates for your information, participation and prayers: In the month of August, the Old Testament journey resumes through the series “39”. I will be teaching on the Prophets across five Fridays (3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug) at Covenant Vision Spiritual Growth Seminars, 8:00pm. I will be preaching at FGA Filipino Fellowship on Sunday, 12 Aug, 2pm. On Saturday, 18 Aug, 9am – 12nn, I will be conducting a family seminar, “Raising Christian Families in Today’s World”, at Wesley Methodist Church. On Sunday, 26 Aug, I will be speaking at All Saints Presbyterian Church’s Family Service 10am and thereafter at their Family Workshop in the afternoon. Please pray for me as I prepare to teach and preach at these ministry engagements.

Covet your prayers too as I travel with four teams of CVSOM students to Batam over the weekend of 22 & 23 Sept for a ministry trip. For all who are interested to learn more about Covenant Vision School of Ministry’s Certificate in Practical Christian Ministry (Jan 2013 Intake), our CVSOM OPEN HOUSE is coming up with two dates to choose from … Wed 26 Sept or Tue 9 Oct, at 7:30pm. All are welcome! For more information, please call 6391 0027 or visit www.cvsom.org.

Finally, some family news on the Lim Tribe. Deborah Hope celebrated her 5th birthday on 7 June, followed by Serene (won’t reveal her age – haha!) on 1 July. Sarah’s PSLE season started on 18 July with the National Education Quiz, which she cleared. Please pray for her as she prepares for the main examinations commencing 16 Aug and ending 2 Oct. After that, I am exploring the possibility of bringing the family for a vacation, God-willing and budget-permitting. Please pray for us as we consider all aspects involved in moving the nine of us, always a major and challenging logistical exercise.

That’s it for this update! Once again, on behalf of Serene and the children, allow me to express our appreciation and gratitude to each of you. Your prayers have been a constant source of love and encouragement through the most challenging times. Your support in finances and in kind has also strengthened our faith and trust in our God who provides through creative and at times, surprising, ways. Truly, we need not worry about anything, for as we seek to serve God and His kingdom, He takes care of our every need.

Until the next update, keep loving Jesus and serving Him! In the meantime, stay in touch with us by visiting or subscribing to our websites at One Day At A Time, Building Up Moms and Building An Ark In Singapore.

In His love and for His glory!

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