My Core Convictions

It has been said, “If you don’t stand for anything, you will fall for everything.”  For this reason, I have made an extra effort to list my core convictions, the principles and values that are foundational to my spiritual life and my ministry. These have not come overnight but over a period of learning and searching.  If these appear or sound final, they are deliberately crafted as such, for anything less is double-mindedness and open to being tossed about (James 1:8).  That said, my heart remains open to the teaching, guidance and correction of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as guided by the Holy Spirit.

  1. God has a Purpose which will stand and be accomplished in His time and in His ways (Rom 9:11).  This Purpose encompasses the full restoration of creation and a personal relationship with God.  God invites Man into this wonderful purpose and plan through the process of salvation found only in Jesus Christ.  Salvation is the means and not the end.  Salvation may bring God back into my life; but more accurately, salvation puts me back into God’s plan.  The Christian life is primarily about God and His Purpose, not about me and my agenda.
  2. In aligning myself to God’s purpose and plan, I consciously submit everything to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  I learn from Jesus, the only One who perfectly did the Father’s will.  This is the process of discipleship that many talk about but few pursue.  It is a life lived in close relationship with the Master through faith and obedience.
  3. Faith is more than a set of beliefs and values.  Faith is literally taking God at His Word.  Faith is active, dynamic and works itself out tangibly through obedience (Heb 11).  Put another way, obedience is the visible expression of faith (James 2:20).  A life of faith and obedience pleases God and brings rewards (Heb 11:6).
  4. If I want to quote and pray God’s Word, then I have to be prepared to do it God’s Way.  Any other way is setting myself up for disappointment.  God’s Word cannot be done my way or the world’s way.  I may not always understand why or how, but God’s Word will always be done God’s Way (Isa 55:9-11).
  5. When I pursue God’s agenda, He looks after me and provides for me.  In seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness, my needs will be fully taken care of (Matt 6:33) for a labourer is worthy of his wages (Luke 10:17).  As God’s servant, I rely totally on Him as my Master.  Not only will I be adequately cared for, but my wife and children will also live in and partake of the abundance that is in the Master’s house.
  6. Ministry is about touching lives and impacting lives for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.  The key objective of my ministry is to bear fruit in the lives of people that will last for eternity (John 15:16).  There are only two types of fruit that fit this criteria.  Firstly, the fruit of salvation towards eternal life; and secondly, the fruit of spiritual maturity that conforms to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. Jesus lived His earthly life totally dependent on and empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38).  This same gift and promise has been given to me. In and through the Holy Spirit, every spiritual resource has been made available to me for Kingdom purposes.  My part is to walk consistently in and be led by the Spirit in every area of my life and ministry (Rom 8:14).
  8. Many want to know God’s will in terms of career, life partners and other earthly pursuits.  But God’s will for every believer is that they grow up spiritually into matured sons and daughters who will manifest His glory (Rom 8:29,30).  Get this perspective right and everything else falls in place.
  9. I thank God for His amazing grace.  However, His grace cannot be fully appreciated apart from His righteousness (Rom 5:21).  By His grace, Jesus did everything for me and imputed His righteousness on me. In response to His grace, I am now to work out my salvation and grow in righteousness.  I thank God that in times of failure and weakness, His grace continues to be sufficient for me (2 Cor 12:9) and sustains me in this journey of spiritual growth and maturity.
  10. In these final days, the opportunity for compromise is greatly increased in a world without absolutes (2 Tim 3:1-7).  God is the only Absolute and He has left us clear instructions and cautions in the inspired Scriptures (2 Tim 3:16).  I am fully convicted that there is nothing wrong with the Word of God.  If anything needs changing, it is me.

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