Another Year Is Drawing To A Close: Trekking Through Transitions

God of the Next Step

In case you haven’t noticed, we are more than halfway through the month of December. Yes, the last month of the year. And since most are caught up with Christmas festivities and holidays, it’s only a matter of time before they realise that they have run out of year.

For me, it’s been an interesting 2014. This entire year has been a year of transition … stepping down as pastor, and then as dean, developing Archippus Awakening, preaching itinerantly, living by faith all over again, not really knowing what lies ahead nor where I am going. The last phrase might sound a tad irresponsible but I assure you that my eyes are constantly fixed on the Lord for He is the One who led me out and will lead me on. Still, there are many moments of doubt, anxiety and even fear (yes, I am normal). This has caused me to return to and to hold on to a very familiar phrase from Scripture: “Be strong and of good courage.”

Whilst most may remember this from Joshua 1:9, I don’t think it is quite as known that this same phrase is recorded more than a few times as God prepared Israel to transition from the wilderness into the Promised Land, from the end of Deuteronomy to the start of Joshua. A perfect SEVEN times, to be exact. Since discovering this, I have developed a message entitled, “Trekking Through Transitions”. Where I have shared it, it has brought encouragement to many.

Here’s a brief overview of the SEVEN instances this phrase is used with its corresponding principles:

  1. Deut 31:3-6 We can be strong and courageous because God is the One who goes before us. Keep eyes on Him, not on man. He has been faithful in the past, He will be faithful again and again.
  2. Deut 31:7-8 We have to be strong and courageous because our obedience will bless and impact others. Our faithfulness to our assignments are for the benefit of serving others.
  3. Deut 31:22-23 It’s one thing to hear it from others. It’s totally another to hear it directly from the Lord. Write it down. Read it again. And again. Holding on to what He has said directly and personally enables us to be strong and courageous.
  4. Josh 1:6 We can be strong and courageous because we have a God who keeps His promise. Trace it all the way back to Abraham and know that we are partaker of the same promise as faith descendants of Abraham, in Christ.
  5. Josh 1:7-8 We must be strong and courageous because standing on and living out the Word of God without compromise requires strength and courage. In times of transition, doubt and anxiety, the tendency and temptation to justify and compromise is the greatest.
  6. Josh 1:9 We can be strong and courageous because we know that God not only goes before us, He also promises to go with us. And His presence enables us to work from a position of rest.
  7. Josh 1:16-18 We can be strong and courageous because God will bring others to journey with us, to co-labour alongside us. Don’t fall for the “I’m all alone” lie and trap. Stay in community and draw strength and courage from one another.

Each time I preach this message, I make it a point to preach it to myself first. After all, I also need to hear it over and over again. Whether a short or a drawn out one, transitions are never easy. I believe that is why the Holy Spirit inspired this line, “Be strong and of good courage.” to be recorded seven times that God’s people may be perfectly and soundly encouraged.

In a couple of weeks’ time, we will cross into a new year. Significantly, it will be another milestone for our family requiring more adjustments. Archippus Awakening will step up to the next gear and become, God-willing, more visible. And all this, amidst a very uncertain global outlook (who would have thought that a cafe in Sydney would have come under siege?) and possible economic upheavals.

Oh, how we need to remember these principles that we may be able to apply it in our various situations and transitions. For sure, trekking through transitions involves too many unknowns. That said, I have come to learn that when God leads us into a season of transition, we can look forward to a major and glorious breakthrough at the other end!

Wishing one and all a very blessed Christmas and a glorious new year! Be strong and of good courage!

Building. Shaking. Filling.

The Lord laid this message on my heart in Nov 2008, just after the sub-prime crisis that triggered a worldwide economic recession.  I had faithfully shared it at various congregations, urging the people of God to recognise the signs of the times, at the same time encouraging everyone that God in still in control.  Today, as I observe the happenings and events taking place around the world, I realise that this message is still so relevant; and the times even more urgent.  It is with this burden on my heart that I am making this message available on the web …

In the first chapter of Haggai, we understand that people of Judah were busy with their own personal agendas and well-being.  The foundation of temple laid in 537BC, but up until 520BC, there was very little progress in rebuilding the temple.  However, the busier they were, the busier they got.  The moment they acquired something, they lost it through “leaks”.  Sadly, not much has changed.  In today’s society, we are still as busy, if not busier.  Christians need to discern and understand the times and respond accordingly.  God is about to move in a mighty way!  But are we prepared for God’s move?  From Haggai 2:4-9, the Lord showed me three points, BUILDING-SHAKING-FILLING, that we must take heed of and pay attention to.


‘Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ says the LORD; ‘and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land,’ says the LORD, and work, for I am with you,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!’ Haggai 2:4-5

The first thing that we must concern ourselves with is the building of the temple.  By this, I am not talking about church buildings and monuments.  Today, you and I are the temple of the Holy Spirit; we are the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16)!  When God calls for the building of the temple, He is referring to the maturing of sons and daughters of God.  He is calling for men and women of God to be raised up as pillars of His House in these final days (Heb 3:6).

Be strong, be strong, be strong!  For sure, the building process is not an easy one, hence the exhortation of us to be strong.  Our tendency is to be strong in ourselves, our talents and our abilities.  The moment we are called to be strong, we rush out to do things for God in the best way we know how!  But that is not right at all, for that is man’s way and the world’s way.  We are, instead, to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Eph 6:10) and in the grace that is found only in Jesus Christ (2 Tim 2:1).  It is in recognising our own weakness that we will rely on His strength and His grace! It is when we are weak that we are strong … let the weak say I am strong!  For He gives power to the weak (Isa 40:29) and His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9).  As in the book of Acts, our reliance on His great grace unleashes His great power (Acts 4:33)!

There is work to be done!  The foundation of the temple has already been laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Cor 3:10).  Now, it’s time to build the temple of God!  Today, we individually and collectively are the temple of God; to be built up on the foundation of Jesus Christ.

But don’t mistake this as a call to ministry.  The work to be done is not the good works that bring many a sense of belonging and personal glory even.  Instead, it is a call for each to be built up in Christ, to mature and to grow up in Christ.  Contrary to the popular and consumer-oriented gospel that prevails in churches today, spiritual maturity requires work!  Don’t be lulled and fooled into believing that because of the grace of God, any other effort brings you into working for your salvation and righteousness.  Make no mistake, it takes hard work to pray, to fast, to read bible, to be silent, to have solitude, to deny self, to carry cross, to exercise towards godliness, to live simply, to forgive, to confess, to sacrifice, to praise, to worship, to be equipped, TO GROW!!!  Out of this, ministry and service is a natural progression!

Here’s the good news!  As we work, God works with us for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you!”  He has given us His Holy Spirit to help us, to comfort us, to enable us.  The building will not be by power nor by might, but by the Spirit of the Lord!  (Zech 4:6)

God is waiting to partner us in this effort.  For sure, we can’t do it on our own.  However, we are expected to put in effort, working out our salvation (Phil 2:12) by exercising our faith through obedience.  What we WORK OUT, GOD will WORK IN.  As we work it out, God works in us – this is known as the effective working of His power (Eph 1:19; 3:7; 4:15,16).  Oh, how many have rendered His power ineffective through sin, disobedience, unbelief, fleshly living, religiosity, tradition, pride, complacency, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc

Do not fear!  God knows the building and maturing process will not be easy and will take time.  He knows that fears will come in to challenge and replace the faith in our hearts.  God reminds us, “Do not fear!!!”

Do not be afraid of your own inadequacies, your past hurts and disappointments.  Stop telling yourself you cannot or you’re not good enough.  Do not be afraid of men, of their comments and remarks.  Disregard their taunts and teasing.  Ignore their words (however well-meaning they may appear to be).  Listen to and stand only on the Word of God.  Do not be afraid of the enemy and his distractions and attacks.  He is a defeated foe and has no power or authority over you.  You are a child of God and a servant of the Most High God!  Resist him and he will have to flee (James 4:7).

All these will discourage and hinder us, and even cause us to give up in our spiritual walk.  Keep working at building the temple, keep growing, keep pressing in, keep drawing close to God.  Stay focused and don’t be distracted by the trappings of the world!

But more than anything else, do not fear the shaking that is coming soon.  If you are secure in your relationship with God, you have nothing to fear!!!  If not, there is much to fear!


” For thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations,…” Haggai 2:6-7a

YET ONCE MORE, God will shake.  All through history, we see God’s shaking.  Every move of God establishes His kingdom and purposes.  But man tries to manage and to protect that experience, thereby limiting God and turning that into human organization and effort.  Over time, it becomes religion and rituals, a form of godliness without power (2 Tim 3:5).  God will shake again.  In fact, the shaking has already begun and it will only get more intense.

More and more, we will see God shake the world’s kingdoms.  The world and its systems are under the influence of the enemy and God will expose these.  God will also shake our own kingdoms, our security systems and comfort zones.  Our theological positions, doctrines and beliefs will not be spared.  The Lord has also shown me that He will shake religiosity and idolatry out of the Church!

Look at all the signs and be wise to it.  Global warming is a hot topic.  Its impact on the climate and ecology is now affecting economies and that will impact financial systems!  This must happen, for the situation must become so desperate that a New World Order will be accepted.  And that will affect you and me.  No one will escape the shaking.

But thank God that we have no need to fear because we have received a Kingdom that cannot be shaken (Heb 12:28).  The question to ask is if we have been living as true Kingdom subjects or have we just been content with church membership?  We have no need to fear because in and through the shaking, God will be our strength and shelter (Joel 3:16).  “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe” Proverbs 18:10  All these point to relationship not religion!  We have no need to fear because God’s economy still stands.  In Haggai 2:8, God declares that the silver and the gold are still His!  Regardless what may happen to the economy, our trust is in the Lord.  Our provision comes from Him.  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall never be in lack (Psalm 23:1).

Instead of focussing on the shaking and being distracted by the shaking, we must concentrate on the building of our spiritual lives and our relationship with God.  It is in the raising up that matured sons and daughters will be able to withstand and go through the shaking.


” … and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the LORD of hosts. … ‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD of hosts.” Haggai 2:7b & 9

Not only do we not have to fear the shaking, we can look forward to a tremendous promise: Every temple that is built up and growing towards maturity will be filled with the fullness and the glory of God!!!

This prophecy belongs to us!!!  No other temple after Solomon’s Temple exceeded in glory … not Ezra’s Temple … not Herod’s Temple.  There is only one other temple and that’s us!  When Jesus told the Jews that He would raise up the temple after three days, He was speaking of the temple of His body (John 2:19-21).  We are the Temple who will be filled with God’s glory!

This glory will surpass even the glory that filled Solomon’s temple!  When that happened in 2 Chr 5:14 & 7:1,2, the priests could not stand and could not minister.  But I believe that when God’s glory fills us this time, we will move out in power to minister and to reveal His glory in its fullness!  It is no co-incidence that so many other ministers of God are preaching about the glory and about moving in the supernatural.  God is raising up an army that will carry His glory to the nations!  There will be signs and wonders!  There will be deliverance!  There will be breakthroughs!  There will be PEACE … shalom, restoration and rest!

This must happen for the world is getting darker and darker.  The words of Isaiah 60:2 remind us, “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”  Against this dismal backdrop, the light must shine.  In fact, the light has already come!  The preceding verse in Isaiah declares, “Arise, shine; for your light has come!  And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”

May the Church be in slumber no more.  There is work to be done in each of our lives and relationships with the Lord.  The temple of the Lord must be raised up that we can stand firm and not be shaken whatever the world throws at us.  Let us look to the promise of His glory, the inhabitation of His temple!  What a promise!

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” Hab 2:14