When Even A Wrong Turn Is Right

I checked the street directory for directions, got my bearings and was ready to reach my destination in good time.  I had it all pictured in my head … get onto main road, straight on, turn onto highway, look for turn-off exit and I’m there.  And so I began my journey as planned.  Cruising down the main road, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a road sign and junction I didn’t expect at all.  Instinctively, I turned left; only to realise it was the opposite to where I wanted to go.  Not good!  As I looked for a U-turn, I saw the heavy traffic jam on the opposite side of the road.  No choice … guess I’ll have to join the jam because of this wrong turn.  However, that was not to be at all.  The jam was a long queue of cars waiting to turn into another highway.  So, I drove past the long line, hoping to re-connect with the highway I missed.  I couldn’t find it at all.  Instead, I found myself getting onto an old, old road, yet heading in the correct general direction.  Then I glanced to the left and saw myself driving parallel to the highway (the one I should be on), as well as the very slow and heavy traffic on it.  But there I was, zipping down this old side road at quite a speed.  Praise God for the wrong turn which turned out to be right in the end!

As I pondered this incident, I am reminded of how walking with the Lord can often be the same as this little road trip.  On my own, I will do my best to plan and to ensure I don’t get off track.  I have my goals and I know what I’d want to achieve in a given time.  And yet, life is so full of surprises, challenges, unseens and detours!  Before I know it, I have veered off-course or taken a wrong turn … again!  If I don’t have the assurance or confidence that God is watching over me,  can you imagine how stressful life would be?  I am so, so thankful that there are no surprises where God is concerned.  He knows exactly where I am at any given point in time and which direction I am headed.

Many of us know that God holds the plan.  However, instead of resting in Him, far too many are overly worried that they may not be walking in that perfect plan, or that they may step out of God’s will for them.  Sadly, this cripples them big-time, leading some to “paralysis-by-analysis”!  Sure, they plan, pray and proceed.  But the moment the situation changes, doubt comes into their hearts and they begin to question themselves and God all over again.

I used to be like that until I discovered that God is really in total and perfect control.  This means that even when I make a mistake or a wrong decision, my God is big enough to allow that error and still direct me back on track!  My part is to keep in close touch with Him, to follow His leading and to commit everything to Him, allowing Him to direct my paths.  The psalmist declares, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD and He delights in his way.  Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the LORD upholds him with His hand.” Psalm 37:23-24  Notice that the one directed by the Lord can still fall, or make a mistake.  But the wonderful assurance we have is that God will not allow us to be so broken and devastated beyond hope or deliverance.  I love the promise that He will be there to pick me up again, to uphold me with His hand, to put me back on track!  How awesome is that?!

No one likes detours or distractions that upset our well laid-out plans.  However, as in my road adventure, I have learnt to seek the Lord for wisdom and discernment to respond accordingly.  If it is a consequence of my sin or a heart issue I need to deal with, I repent, and then I wait for the next set of instructions.  Then again, it might be the Lord re-directing me.  In such cases, I must learn obedience and walk as He leads.  How especially sweet it is when I respond in obedience that I discover a beautiful scenic route along a forgotten side road in place of a tottering traffic jam on the highway!

Yes, the journey of life is fraught with many uncertainties.  But when you travel with God, even a wrong turn can be a right one!  Enjoy the ride!

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